Friday, June 09, 2006

Good help is so hard to find! (But thank you anyway, Lord!)

So my new night auditor quit on me the other night (five days into his employment and two and a half hours into his shift) all because some guest yelled at him! Yes I'm serious!!! When I tried to reason with him, he tells me that he can't work here because he has anger management issues and has a short people complex. He further explained by saying that he can't deal with short people yelling at him and he wanted to hem the guest up against a wall. I was pissed yall.

First of all, this is customer service. If he knew he had these issues, he shouldn't have applied, wasting my time and his! Second of all, he basically lied during his interview, when I asked him SPECIFICALLY how would he handle an upset guest that yelled at him and he responded with the customary take care of the guest, customer is always right mumbo jumbo! Third of all, why didn't I pick up on this during the interview. I'm usually a good judge of people, so did I miss something here???

I was so mad, I couldn't sleep a wink the rest of the night. I ended up going to the gym to work out (my new hobby, by the way) at 5 am. It helps me relieve my stress and allows me to just focus on me. When I got back to my room, I got an early morning call from a Housekeeper trying to leave work early or not come in at all. I lost it right there. I had never hung up on an employee, but I did that day, only after I told her it's her responsibility to find her own replacement for the day or she had better show up for work ON TIME!

I called my baby afterwards for some much needed words of encouragement, which he delivered. He told me that I shouldn't let things stress me out like that because I have to make myself happy and stay positive. He also added that I've had a postive impact on my staff and not to let that go to waste. He also reminded me to thank the Lord for ALL of my blessings and that soon they all will be answered. I love that man so much, he always knows how to make me feel better! So like I always say, Thank you Lord for my health, my strength, my piece of mind, my career, my family and friends, my relationship, and for putting love in my heart and in my life!

P.S. I finally got a few hours sleep in at around 12 and went back to work at 3-11. Afterwards I had a couple of good drinks, curled up in the bed, talked with one of my boys, and watched Love and Basketball. So what started as a miserable day at 1:30 am came to a peaceful end at 1:30 am the next day. Whew, what a day!