Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy Weekend!!!

Happy Birthday Arry!!!
Happy Birthday Sammy!!!
So Saturday was my 5 year old niece's birthday party and it was quite the Social Event of the Year. My sister's place was filled with some of her friends, our family members and their kids. And of course at any BLACK function, there's that one family member that acts a damn fool and that theory truly applied here. My sister's father was a drunken buffoon on Saturday yall!!!! It was soooo embarassing. He was dancing and snapping his fingers and rambling on and on about nothing.

I thought he was going to step on a kid or something. Crazy ass, lol! Thankfully he left before he could.

My niece and one of my best friends share the same birthday 10/15 so happy birthday to him also although him and his girl got into it. Again.

And what's up with Flav??? He picked Deelishis and New York home. Again. Gotta feel sorry for Ms. Tiffany. She's been embarassed on TV. Again. Then again, it was super funny. Again.


Blogger Cash S. said...

Hello there, where've you been?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:45:00 AM  

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